
J. Pišút, L. Gomolčák, V. Černý: Úvod do kvantovej mechaniky, ALFA, Bratislava, 1st ed. 1975, 2nd ed. 1983 ( Introduction to Quantum Muchanics )

J. Pišút, V. Černý, P. Prešnajder: Zbierka úloh z kvantovej mechaniky, ALFA Bratislava / SNTL Praha, 1985 ( Problems in Quantum Mechanics )

J. Pišút et al.: Fyzika pre 4. Ročník gymnázia , 1st ed. 1986, 2nd ed. 1991, 3rd ed., 1999, SPN Bratislava, (Physics for the 4th year of Gymnasia)

J. Pišút, and R. Zajac: O atómoch a kvantovaní, ALFA Bratislava, 1983, ( On atoms and quantization, popular text for teachers and pupils on elementary Quantum Mechanics )